Anatomy Trains Structural Integration, Myofascial Release, Scar Therapy and Sports Massage

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A myofascial soft tissue therapy that helps you move more freely, improves posture and breath, and makes you feel looser, lighter and taller. It can help with chronic pain, and can ‘unstick’ areas of the body that have been stuck for many years. Read more...

Myofascial Release

Less structured than ATSI, myofascial soft tissue therapy that can reduce pain, improve freedom of movement, and help tissues to glide easily over one another, allowing for more effortless movement. Any restrictions are considered in the context of the whole body, and in relation to movements that are relevant to your life and activities.


A very gentle, relaxing and remarkably effective treatment for scars. It can reduce internal pulls and pain, and improve external appearance. It is effective on many types of scars, resulting from surgery or from accidents, recent or old. It can reintegrate the scar tissue into the rest of the body, the ultimate result being a feeling that your body is put back together again - no disconnection, tugs or tension from one side of the scar to the other.  Read more...

Sports and Remedial Massage

A soft tissue therapy to aid rehabilitation from injuries and recovery after exercise. It eases muscle aches and pains whatever their cause, be it from sports, work, or life in general. It can help you to feel calm, relaxed, and at the same time energised.